The Interim Report confirmed that the Territory faces serious financial challenges and is currently in the unsustainable position of borrowing to fund recurrent activities and interest costs.,
Made available via the Publications (Legal Deposit) Act 2004 (NT).,
Table of contents
Executive summary -- 1. Interim Report summary and stakeholder engagement -- Summary of interim report -- Stakeholder engagement and consultation -- 2. The Territory economy -- The economy today and how we go here -- Medium-term economic forecasts -- Economic development -- Budget repair and the economy -- 3. New fiscal strategy -- Current strategy -- New fiscal strategy -- 4. Pathway to surplus -- Whats needs to change -- Major challenges -- 5. Budget repair reforms -- Goal 1. Accountability and transparency -- Goal 2. Financial management -- Goal 3. Workforce sustainability and capability -- Goal 4. Organisational efficiency and strategic alignment -- Goal 5. Evidence-based decision-making -- Goal 6. Digital transformation -- Goal 7. Revenue optimisation -- 6. Reform implementation and monitoring -- Implementation -- Monitoring and governance -- Attachments -- A. Fiscal Strategy Panel terms of reference -- B. Summary of recommendations.,