Board membership : a guide for members of Northern Territory Government boards, committees and statutory bodies
Board membership : a guide for members of Northern Territory Government boards, committees and statutory bodies,
Other title
[Northern Territory Government],
A broad range of boards and committees have been established to support the activities and priorities of the Northern Territory Government. Some of these boards and committees are created by statute, and others have been established by an administrative decision of Government.
Government boards and committees carry out functions as diverse as governance and management, advice and review, policy development, appeals, community engagement and regulation of professions.
Effective boards and committees are critical to the successful functioning of the Government. This Handbook is designed to support the work of the Northern Territory Government boards and committees by providing practical advice to board members in relation to their duties and responsibilities, the legislation which affects them and their relationship with Government and other stakeholders. It is also designed to assist board administrators provide effective support to their boards.
All new and existing board members, along with board administrators are encouraged to read this Handbook.,
Includes bibliographical references.,
Table of contents
Introduction -- Purpose of the guide -- Role of government boards -- Role of key players -- Selection and recruitment -- Remuneration of members of statutory boards -- Remuneration of members of non-statutory boards -- Duties and responsibilities of board members -- The role of public sector employees on government boards -- Liability and indemnity -- Evaluating board performance -- Attachments -- Glossary.,
Administrative Agencies -- Northern Territory -- Handbooks, Manuals, Etc,
Administrative Agencies,
Directors Of Corporations -- Northern Territory -- Handbooks, Manuals, Etc,
Directors Of Corporations,
Handbooks, Manuals, Etc,
Corporations, Government,
Officials And Employees,
Northern Territory,
Corporations, Government -- Northern Territory -- Officials And Employees,